Sunday, November 21, 2010

Facebook vs. Twitter

As our technology has been changing as the years go by, more rapidly than ever, we rely on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to allow others to know every single thought that comes to mind.  If we were to predict that our social world would be revolved around a computer fifteen years ago, I do not think we would have had a clue on its huge impact.  I have been an avid facebook user for a good four years now, but recently I picked up a twitter account, and a question comes to mind: which one is better?  Even though I frequently used to bash and tear twitter to shreds, it has definitely grown on me.  As in the article, there are pros and cons to both networks.  For example, Facebook has it all, pictures, email, instant messaging, simple ways to keep close with friends and family.  But because of all of this, we tend to get distracted very easily, and it is the perfect procrastination tool ever made for man.  Twitter on the hand does not have all of these features.  Instead, it uses the same idea as "status updates" for Facebook, except it is a lot more personal.  You can "mention" people you follow so they know you are talking directly to or about them and it is sent straight to their phone.  Twitter even has "twitpics" where people can send photos directly to their phone at any place or time and share it with their followers.  Unfortunately, Twitter does not allow you to express all of your feelings in one simple tweet, it has a character limit, and too be honest sometimes it is a little boring if no one is tweeting.  Who is to say which is better, they are both huge communication tools that will continue to be used by everyone, it just depends what kind of socializing you are looking for.

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