Sunday, May 8, 2011

Society Reflection

What is interesting about this novel is that it is already reality.  It is simple stories that are told in a way to alter perspective of life.  With the sarcastic tone, it is Sedaris' way of lightening the mood on somewhat important issues, such as smoking.  Sedaris notices little things about himself that also can describe his personality.  Such as the second chapter that is called Keeping Up depicts his relationship with his good friend Hugh.  He tells a story of when he is so excited to see a prairie dog for the first time ever, and he has to drag Hugh along with him.  Hugh is to the point and wastes no time, therefore he finds the prairie dogs in the zoo while Sedaris is chasing after him.  Other stories encounter relationships that Sedaris has with random people such as his trashy babysitter or his weird neighbors.  He hits home with depicting the average, middle class American life growing up.  Every family has their stories about life lessons and ironic situations, Sedaris just knows how to make it funny.  Most of the stories are things that everyday people go through such as starting up conversations with random people and getting to know their story, whether you really wanted to or not.

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